We believe everyone should be able to access acupuncture treatment. Some conditions benefit from a course of treatment which can be costly, and we know not everybody has the means to meet these costs. With the multi-bed clinic, you are treated in a large room together with a few other patients, meaning we can offer treatment at a lower cost. Appointments are staggered and your initial appointment will be longer to allow you to discuss any presenting complaints with your acupuncturist. Once your acupuncturist has formed their diagnosis using techniques such as looking at your tongue and taking the pulse, they will place fine single use sterile needles at specific acupuncture points, before moving to the next patient. Please be assured that the acupuncturist will be in the room at all times, should you need to call on them. They will then return to remove the needles and offer any post-treatment advice.
Appointments will be charged on a sliding scale from £25 to £40 per appointment. Initial appointment (which is longer) will be charged towards the top end of this scale. After that, the patient decides what they can afford to pay within this scale.
Available at: Merstham Community Clinic, RH1
(Exact Location given on booking, which is essential)
For more information or to book an appointment, please message via the website or call me on 07526 351 570 (if un-available, please leave a voicemail)
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